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Honeycomb Containers: Save the Bees and Keep Honey Production Flowing

Bees are an important insect vital to ecosystems throughout the world. They help to pollinate, to spread plants and ensure their wellbeing, and contribute to both honey and humans. Unfortunately, bees face more and more dangers every year, with scientists noting a decline in their population from pesticides, colony collapse, and more.

Quick Facts about Bees

  • Less than 50 percent of bees can sting – males don’t have stingers
  • The majority of bees don’t live in hives, instead preferring nests in the ground or trees
  • There are seven families of bees, along with over 20,000 distinct species
  • Bees pollinate roughly 75% of the world’s crops

Saving the Bees

3 tips on how to save the bees
3 tips on how to save the bees

The good news is that everyone can chip in when it comes to saving the current bee population, on a small and/or larger scale.

  • Read your Pesticides – The toxic neonicotinoid pesticides are some of the deadliest to bees that are available, so avoid using them. Look for alternatives, including more natural defenses against specific pest and insects. These are banned in Europe, but are still used in Canada and the United States.
  • Plant Bee-Friendly Plants – Native flowers with large blooms, herbs, and heirloom plants are favorites of bees – plant a variety of them around your house.
  • Give Them a Home – Create a bee-friendly habitat away from your home and places where you and your loved ones play and work. By creating an area for the bees, you can help your family be safe by providing a nesting area in a low-traffic place while giving the bees a safe place too.

Pioneer Plastics and the Bee Industry

Here at Pioneer Plastics, we develop honeycomb containers for one of the most valuable products that bees give us: honey. Honey is a great product, useful for everything from a sugar and food source, to salves, to soaps, even as an alcohol product known as mead when fermented. So not only does the humble bee pollinate and produce honey, but it also creates job opportunities.

Pioneer Plastics and the Bee Industry

Take a look at our various Cut Comb Honey Box and Containers that hold up to 9-14oz. These convenient high quality, food grade polystyrene honeycomb containers can be used for honey packaging, candy, nuts, dried fruit, food services, food packaging, candy packaging, sustainable packaging, kitchen and food storage, science and education research, lab supplies, entomology laboratories or agriculture and research. They can also be used as a useful addition to candy stores, ice cream shops, bakeries, and other eatery displays.

Please join us here at Pioneer Plastics in creating a bee-friendly environment and helping to bring these important insects back from their decline. What they provide makes them an invaluable resource to our society.

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